- November EWU Racial Restrictive Covenants Project WorkshopDoes your home have a clause restricting all "non-Caucasians" from living in it? This workshop will give you the tools you need to file a Racial Covenant Amendment Form.
- October EWU Racial Restrictive Covenants Project WorkshopDoes your home have a clause restricting all "non-Caucasians" from living in it? This workshop will give you the tools you need to file a Racial Covenant Amendment Form.
- Racial Covenants Inlander ArticleInlander article on racial covenants in Eastern Washington.
- Columbia Basin Herald: Righting a WrongColumbia Basin Herald reporter Joel Matin covers the work of the EWU Racial Covenants Project with a focus on the Columbia Basin.
- CWU Archivists and students search Washington land deeds for racial covenantsCentral Washington University Observer: CWU Archivists and students search Washington land deeds for racial covenants
- ‘A very long shadow.’ Thousands in Tri-Cities still live in homes with racist covenantsTri-City Herald: ‘A very long shadow.’ Thousands in Tri-Cities still live in homes with racist covenants
- Unwelcome in the NeighborhoodFor decades, racist restrictions were written into real estate covenants. Though now unenforceable, they are often still there.